Social worker talking to child

Working together for children in care

CoramBAAF is the UK’s leading membership organisation for professionals working across adoption, fostering and kinship care.

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What's new

  • Beyond together or apart - Planning for, assessing and placing sibling groups

    Get our popular Good Practice Guide, Beyond together or apart - Planning for, assessing and placing sibling groups, for £12.95 throughout March (usually £17.95). Scroll to the end of the page and click 'BUY BOOK'. The discount will be visible on the checkout page.

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  • Join our six-part series to support your social work journey

    The ‘Getting started in...’ series of introductory webinars is designed to build your confidence and understanding of permanence, with a focus across five core practice areas.

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  • Book your place at our CPR briefing sessions

    We are looking forward to publishing the updated Child Permanence Report (CPR). The form and accompanying guidance has been developed by CoramBAAF alongside a working group of practitioners, including children’s social workers, family finders, panel chairs, advisers and adopters. In this session we will be looking at the key objectives of the CPR, the development work and what's new in the updated form.

    Browse our free sessions
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Our forums provide our members with a unique opportunity to discuss professional practice and share knowledge and expertise with colleagues.

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Upcoming events

child and adult holding hands

Exploring Expertise: Lifelong Links - creating lasting support networks for children in care

11 March| 11.30am - 1pm | Zoom
Lifelong Links is an innovative initiative developed by Family Rights Group that connects children in care and care leavers with individuals who care about them. Recent research conducted revealed a critical flaw in the care and child welfare system. When children enter care, many important relationships are disrupted. They may be separated from their siblings, moved to new schools, or relocated far from family and friends. Lifelong Links is dedicated to reversing this trend.

Free for members

Exploring Expertise: Learning from experience in overseas placement

20 March | 12pm – 1pm | Zoom
In this session, we will be joined by Lead Practitioner Alison Wheeler who will share her experience of placing a child in Australia from Brighton and Hove Council on a Special Guardianship Order. Covering all aspects from viability to placement, we will explore the challenges practitioners face in a real-world setting and how to navigate them successfully.

Free for members
grandparents with baby

Undertaking a kinship assessment (two day course)

26 & 27 March | 10.45am - 4pm | London
This course is an opportunity to explore the unique context of kinship care and assessment of prospective kinship carers. Participants will explore professional and personal values and gain knowledge of what constitutes a robust kinship assessment within the legal and regulatory framework. The course will consider different assessment tools that can be used in kinship assessment practice, triangulation of information and effective support planning.

Member Deal of the Month

Browse our programme

Starter packs for newly qualified social workers

To help newly qualified social workers, or those that want to refresh their knowledge, we have created a fostering and adoption starter pack. You will receive our top selling titles at a discounted price.

Fostering starter pack

Get 'Fostering now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £35 (usually £49.90).

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Adoption starter pack

Get 'Adoption now', 'Making good assessments', and 'The child's legal journey through care' for £40 (usually £54.90).

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